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ElevandiJul 15, 2024 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

How to Stop Starting: An Entrepreneur's Journey of People

PZF 2024 How to stop starting - A journey of people


Before Jeremy got into payments, he was the COO of a music company, searching for musicians to stream their songs during the MTV era, pre-YouTube and pre-Spotify. He is a firm believer that public policy drives outcomes, and hence, he holds a Master's in Comparative Politics. In Jeremy’s life, things come in threes – he has 3 siblings, 3 kids, and Liquid is his 3rd payment company. With 20 years of experience in payments, Jeremy has seen the evolution from magnetic cards to digital optical payments. Despite being a small company, Liquid operates in almost every major time zone due to its diverse staff and partners. In this talk, Jeremy is going to tell us how he stopped starting and his journey as an entrepreneur.


  • Jeremy Tan, Chief Executive Officer of Liquid Group